Experience in Inhalation Studies
Study Types
- All study durations from acute to 104 week carcinogenicity including toxicokinetic and also biopersistence studies.
- Reproductive toxicity (Segment I to III) and Irwin Screen studies as deputy study director.
- Mouse (including the strains Tg-rasH2 and SCID
[Severe Combined Immuno-Deficiency]) - Rat
- Rabbit
- Dog
Test Materials
(Powder, liquid, suspension, MDI, vapour, gas)
- Pharmaceuticals: Broncho dilators, corticosteroids, heparin, neuramidase inhibitor, prostacyclin analogue, S-nitroso-glutathione, various peptides (e.g. alpha proteinase inhibitor, chloride channel activator, endothelial sodium channel peptide, fibroblast growth factor)
- Chemicals: Carbon nanotubes, fibers, hydrofluorocarbons, siloxanes, silylamines, toner, vanadium pentoxide, various other chemicals (powder, liquids, vapours, gases)
- Agrochemicals: Various pesticides (powder, liquids, suspensions)
- Experience with instable, hygroscopic, explosive or self-igniting properties
Special endpoints
- Plasma and lung levels and toxicokinetics
- Immunotoxicity and primary immune response
- Cell differentiation and biochemistry in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF)
- Respiratory function
- Electrocardiograms
- Genotoxicity: Lung cell proliferation, comet assay, DNA adducts, micronuclei
Several studies were published in peer reviewed journals or presented as lectures or posters.