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- Mengs, U., Schuler, D., Marshall, R.R. (2001). No induction of chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells by chrysophanol. Mutation Res., 492, 69-72.
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- Wacker, M., Schuler, D., Wanek, P., Eder, E. (2000). Development of a 32P-postlabelling method for the detection of 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in vivo. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 13, 1165-1173.
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- Schuler, D., Otteneder, M., Sagelsdorff, P., Eder, E., Gupta, R.C., Lutz, W.K. (1997). Comparative analysis of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA by 32P- and 33P-postlabelling and electrochemical detection. Carcinogenesis, 18, 2367 - 2371.
- Weber, K., Carthew P., Schuler D. (2005). Polymers as Inhalation Carriers. In: Drommer, W., Karbe, E., Germann, P.G., Morawietz, G. (editors): Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition.
- Eder, E., Schuler, D., Budiawan (1999). Cancer risk assessment for crotonaldehyde and 2-hexenal: an approach. In: Singer, B., Bartsch, H. (editors): Exocyclic DNA adducts in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. IARC Scientific Publications No. 150. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon.
- Schuler, D. (1998). Entwicklung von 32P-Postlabelling-Methoden fuer den Nachweis von 2’-Desoxyguanosinaddukten mit trans-2-Hexenal, trans-4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal und reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies zur Krebsrisikoabschaetzung (Development of 32P-Postlabelling Methods for the Detection of Deoxyguanosine Adducts of 2-Hexenal, 4-Hydroxynonenal and Reactive Oxygen Species for Cancer Risk Assessment). Thesis. Marburg: Tectum Verlag (Edition Wissenschaft, Reihe Chemie, Bd. 182).
- Schuler, D. (2013). Toxicity of a multiwall carbon nanotube material after subchronic inhalation in rats. Annually Meeting of the Association of Inhalation Toxicology, Hannover, 5 to 7 November 2013.
Schuler, D. (2012). Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials for the Inhalative Route. 25th Colloquium on Toxicology & Pathology of the Swiss Society of Toxicology in Basel, 14 August 2012.
- Schuler, D. (2012). Inhalation Toxicity Testing of Nanomaterials for Safety Assessment. Webinar, 23 May 2012.
- Schuler, D. (2012). Inhalation Toxicology Seminar: Safety Testing of Nano-Materials and Pharmaceuticals. 51st Annual Meeting of the SOT in San Francisco, 11 to 15 March 2012.
- Weber, K., Carthew, P., Schuler, D. (2006). Polymers as Inhalation Carriers. Seminar of the the Ph.D. Programme at the School of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, 25 to 26 February 2006.
- Schuler, D. (2002). Systemic Availability of Thalidomide in Pregnant Rabbits Following Nose-only Flow Past Inhalation Exposure. Annually Meeting of the Association of Inhalation Toxicology, Ulm / Biberach, 18 to 20 September 2002.
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- Schuler, D., Budiawan, Eder, E. (1996). Nachweis von (E)-2-Hexenal-1,N2-Propano-desoxyguanosinaddukten in vivo mit der 32P-Postlabelling-Methode (Detection of (E)-2- hexenal 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts in vivo by the 32P-postlabelling method). 37th Spring Meeting of the DGPT in Mainz, 12 to 14 March 1996.
- Schuler, D., Budiawan, Eder, E. (1995). Entwicklung einer hochempfindlichen 32P-Post-labelling-Methode fuer den Nachweis von (E)-2-Hexenal-1,N2-Propanodesoxyguanosin-addukten (Development of a highly sensitive 32P-postlabelling method for the detection of (E)-2- hexenal 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts). 36th Spring Meeting of the DGPT in Mainz, 14 to 17 March 1995.
- Schuler, D., Reed, K.L., DeLorme, M.P., Okazaki, Y., Muro, Y., Chevalier, H.J., Warheit, D.B. (2013). Thirteen-week inhalation toxicity study with a multiwall carbon nanotube test material in Wistar rats. 52nd Annual Meeting of the SOT in San Antonio, 10 to 14 March 2013. Abstract published in: The Toxicologist, Suppl. to Tox. Sci., 132, Poster 464.
Anzai, T., Kaminishi, Handley, J., Schuler, D., Poth, A., Guest, R., Satoh, T. (2012). Utility of a Multidimensional evaluation scheme for nano scale materials. 39th Annual Meeting of the JSOT in Sendai/Japan, 17 to 19 July 2012. Abstract published in: J. Toxicol. Sci. 37, Suppl. I, S231, Poster-149.
- McGregor, D., Schuler, D., Chevalier, H.-J., Merker, M., Morgenthal, K., Ravanat, J.-L., Sagelsdorff, P., Walter, M., Weber, K. (2011). First steps towards an understanding of a mode of carcinogenic action for vanadium pentoxide. 50th Annual Meeting of the SOT in Washington, D.C. 6 to 10 March 2011. Abstract published in: The Toxicologist, Suppl. to Tox. Sci., 120, 61, Poster 289.
- Sagelsdorff, P., Hausner, S., Schuler, D., Draheim, R., Ohm, J. (2008). Validation and Qualification of Urinary NGAL as Biomarker for Kidney Toxicity, European Bioanalysis Forum in Barcelona, 1 to 2 December 2008.
- Wacker, M., Wanek, P., Schuler, D. Eder, E. (1999). Development of a 32P-postlabelling technique for the sensitive detection of 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in vivo. 40th Spring Meeting of the DGPT in Mainz, 9 to 11 March 1999. Abstract published in: Naunyn Schmiedberg´s Arch. of Pharmacol. Suppl. 359, R143, 558.
- Schuler, D., Budiawan, Eder, E. (1997). Detection of (E)-2-hexenal deoxyguanosine adducts in various rat organs by the 32P-postlabelling assay. 9th AEK Symposium in Heidelberg. 19 to 21 March 1997. Abstract published in: Cancer Res. Clin. Oncology 123, Suppl. 1, S21, K19.
- Budiawan, Schuler, D., Eder, E. (1996). Detection of crotonaldehyde DNA adducts in rat organs and persistence in rat liver. Meeting "DNA adducts and mutations in human biomonitoring" in Stockholm, 9 to 12 June 1996.
- Schuler, D., Budiawan, Eder, E. (1996). Detection and persistence of (E)-2-hexenal deoxy-guanosine adducts in vivo by the 32P-postlabelling assay. Meeting "DNA adducts and mutations in human biomonitoring" in Stockholm, 9 to 12 June 1996.
- Eder, E., Budiawan, Schuler, D. (1995). The role of alpha, beta unsaturated carbonyl compounds in initiation of cancer. Meeting "Eurotox´95" in Prague, 31 August to 1 September 1995.
- Schuler, D., Budiawan, Eder, E. (1994). Nachweis von cyclischen 1,N2-Propanodesoxy-guanosinaddukten alpha, beta-ungesaettigter Carbonylverbindungen in vitro und in vivo (Detection of cyclic 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of alpha, beta unsaturated in vitro and in vivo). 32P-Postlabelling Workshop in Munich, 2 to 3 December 1994.